Lower back pain and facial neuralgia
In the fall of 2007, I began to experience extremely painful pain in my lower back in the morning when I woke up. After a while, I decided to buy a harder mattress, but the pains persisted and became so disabling that I couldn't get out of bed, my back being blocked, paralyzed with pain. I then started to walk sideways, like a duck, my back stiff so as not to move it too much, for fear of suffering.
On Christmas day, my daughter who saw me in terrible pain took me to our family doctor to treat me and prevent me from remaining in pain during the holidays. This was the beginning of a long medical research in the hope of understanding the cause of my neuralgia and finding a cure for my ailments.
The tranquilizers and the course of antibiotics prescribed by our family doctor did not bring me the slightest relief, so he finally sent me to my gynecologist to undergo thorough examinations, including an RMI of my pelvis, but without the least conclusive result since no anomaly was detected.
My doctor then decided to have some blood tests done on me, as a precaution: these revealed that I had Morbus Bechterev and I was immediately transferred to the Inselspital, Hospital specializing in Rheumatology, in Bern, or the treating doctor who examined me and diagnosed that I was suffering from osteoarthritis spondylitis, a disease which is treated in this hospital by transfusion into the veins of a drug, Remicade.
I therefore spent the following morning bedridden in the hospital in the part of this establishment dedicated to this particular treatment, in order to receive an injection of Remicade into my blood. During the transfusion, I was constantly monitored by an on-call nurse who regularly took my blood pressure and checked my temperature.
The doctor at the hospital and the nursing staff then warned me that this medicine weakens the immune system and that, consequently, at the slightest cold or the slightest fever, I should immediately go to the nearest hospital. to be treated there.
I thus went once a month to Bern, in this Inselspital to receive my treatment there and each session cost me the trifle of SFR 5000!
I met there during my treatments, people who submitted to these transfusions for more than twenty years, which seemed to succeed for them, but alas me, after the fourth session, my pains returned as violent and painful than before the treatment. The rheumatology specialist then prescribed me an alternative to Remicade, Hurima, a drug that I could inject myself twice a month and which had the advantage of being less expensive.
After my second self-injection of this new drug, chance made me meet Mr. Philippe Coffin, in Venice, on the vaporetto, during the summer of 2008, in the company of a friend who introduced him to me. When he told me that he is a big fan of alternative medicine, that he practices as a bio-energetician, I was interested in his speech and his explanations. When my friends who know him well strongly advised me to go see him, I decided to make an appointment with him with deep in my hope that he would find a holistic treatment adapted to relieve my ailments. , with no doubt homeopathic supplements to take for the rest of my life, but which would henceforth exempt me from taking drugs as aggressive as those which had been prescribed to me and to which I seemed condemned.
Upon entering his home, I told him that I have a genetic disease....and his response was that from a holistic point of view, there is no such thing as a genetic disease. Intrigued but confident, I let him practice his craft and after four sessions of two hours each, one a day, I started to feel much better. The idea of no longer depending on my medications for the rest of my life, (toxic medications since one of the known side effects is to weaken my immune system), gave me hope and surely helped with relief of my sufferings.
I can say that today my lower back pain has completely disappeared, and that I even resumed my Pilates classes that I had stopped because of my neuralgia and also that I swim on my back for an hour. a day, which contributes enormously to my well-being.
Those who doubt the durability of my miraculous healing have told me that this type of pain comes and goes. If so, I will go back to Mr. Coffin for another session rather than going back to the hospital or injecting myself with another drug. For the moment I have been free of all pain for a year and above all without medication to take, therefore free from any injection of harmful material into my blood and more generally, into my body.
Following this cure which I had not hoped for, because the doctors had told me that I would be required to follow their medication all my life, I called Mr. Philippe Coffin to speak to him about another pain which made my life very difficult and which was present day and night, an obsessive and throbbing facial pain, very localized, at the level of my left upper jaw, at the place of the sinus.
This pain had appeared following the installation of a new bridge by my dentist, in 2006. As the pain did not pass, I went to consult my doctor who sent me to have a series of x-rays done to check if I didn't have sinusitis. The results of these examinations being positive, he prescribed me a course of antibiotics – as a precaution – as well as extremely powerful painkillers, neuroleptics generally prescribed for epileptics.
But that didn't stop my shooting pains. I went back to my attending physician who sent me to have other X-rays done to verify that the origin of my pain did not come from a brain tumour. As the results of this additional examination were also positive, he advised me to go back to see my dentist.
My dentist then made me a series of x-rays of my jaw to verify that the roots of the teeth he had treated me were healthy. The results were also positive, but as the pain did not go away - as a precaution - he treated the root of the tooth located at the level where the pain was felt.
Then, as the pain persisted and the painkillers no longer had any effect on me, he sent me to one of his colleagues. The latter remained perplexed and unable to give me an answer. So he submitted my case to the Smerchzlink University Clinic in Zurich and finally got me an appointment three months later. The great dental specialist who received and examined me at this university clinic prescribed me a series of medications which should have relieved me of my pain, but that was not the case: the pain persisted.
Faced with this failure, this specialist then asked me to make an appointment with the psychiatrist at their clinic. She asked me many questions, asked how I managed to endure such pain and if I thought I could live with such suffering on a daily basis. At the end of the interview, she gave me meditation and relaxation exercises to do as regularly as possible, in order to be able to bear the pain.
But these exercises did not help me recover from my pain. So I returned once again to this clinic and was referred to another specialist who diagnosed that my jaw muscles were abnormally contracted. He taught me a special relaxation method to loosen the jaw muscles… which had no effect.
Following this new failure, I was called back by the clinic's psychiatrist who, during this new interview, suggested that I consider having to live with this permanent pain. As this hypothesis did not satisfy me, I went back to my dentist, who at my request, removed the bridge to replace it with another: the pain persisted. This ordeal lasted a good year. Discouraged from having tried everything that medicine had offered me, without result, I told Mr. Philippe Coffin about my painful and painful odyssey.
He "auscultated my energies" and said that he thought he could help me free myself from my pains which they suspected linked to emotional suffering, which he thought was the feeling of having been disarmed and unable to defend myself. in my life, faced with an unforeseen event. Half surprised by his explanation and eager to try everything to free myself from my pain, I saw him four times in one week.
My pain faded from one session to another and soon completely disappeared. They have never returned since.
When I think back to my eighteen months of hell, tossed from one specialist to another, scattered from one end of Swiss territory to the other, I wonder how this is still possible today. If I had not met Mr. Philippe Coffin, I wonder if I would have continued to live with such pain because it is not really worth living.
Words fail me to thank Mr. Philippe Coffin but I thank heaven every day for allowing me to cross paths with him on my life path.
Thanks Philip.
Gstaad, August 15, 2009.