Dear Philip,
Here is a little history of my sinusitis: first, I must say that, in my memories, my father and my youngest brother have always had sinusitis. I thought I could escape it but, at 29, after the births of our 3 daughters, here I am, too, falling into the spiral of repeated sinusitis. At 40, I caught a nasty meningitis; 15 years later, another meningitis, but less serious.
I tried everything, allergy tests, homeopathy, acupuncture, micro-kinesitherapy, diets, nothing or almost nothing changed and in front of my increasingly frequent sinusitis attacks, occurring each time I I was in contact with people who had colds or cold and drafty conditions, the ENT doctor gave me a shock treatment: cortisone, antibiotics, inhalations, etc... for 3 months with the prospect of an operation after this time.
Obviously, the past three months, nothing had changed. And luck smiled on me since I met Philippe thanks to very dear friends. In two hours the problem that has handicapped me for more than 35 years disappeared and, for two years, I have never had sinusitis again: I can rub shoulders with microbes, find myself in humid weather, be in currents of air, the sinusitis doesn't want me anymore!!!
Thank you Philippe and thank you my friends who introduced me to him: There are no coincidences in life.